why is she not cold?!!

am i just unbelievably unfit (that's what my doctor said when i asked him about this) that i really feel the cold and need LAYERS and LAYERS (literally!) of clothes to feel 'not cold' ..not even 'hot' or 'warm' ..just not shivering.. everyday to uni?
i have a basic long sleeve tee,
a thermal (thin but super warm)long sleeved top
and then an actual top ,whether it'll be turtle neck or long sleeved pretty top
PLUS a jacket (usually fleeced lined)
and gloves
yet.. jennifer aniston turned up TODAY ( in all the rain.. i was SOAKED from knee down 5 minutes after i walked out the house.. the short walk to the station had my jeans soaked cos they were too long and i think i must have been really 'sloppy' and slopping the water up my jeans? .. and then walking around uni, walking from redfern to uni, walking home, walking to uni..and i also had an umbrella..anybody else feel crappy about the rain? any 'wet day' ..woops 'rainy day' stories?)
in that outfit! i don't understand!!!
and even on days when i don't need coffee.. i buy one just because it's cold and i want to warm up..
side note - cheap GOOD coffee outside refern station ($1.50 for uni students.. i buy it normally but now it's so cheap so that's even better =) ..the only downside is it gets cold by the time u get to uni .. i'd much rather buy it at carslaw or bosch so that in lecture theatres , the coffee is still warm....
Frosbite? Eww...nup, didn't watch that one. I haven't watched actual tv in ages.
Kylie, at 2:07 PM
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Anonymous, at 5:31 AM
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