Caramel slices --> late night snacking!
ever since the little easter break, i've been nibbling on biscuits with chocolate on them, plain cadbury chocolate, mars bars, just anything with chocolate after 11 30 at night.. it's gotten to the pt where i 'm starting to freaking myself out now.. so plan no. 1 (for the next week)
anytime there's a slight want for chocolate- drink water or chew gum instead
i think it started with all the late shifts at GJs.. getting off at 10 , forgetting to bring proper food such as meat and rice or noodles for dinner
this led to eating the food at GJs instead-- marshmallows, little cups of coconut bounty and tim tams drinks or ice chocolates, little cups of hot chocolate and caramel slices ( i LOVE those!!!!!)
becomes a habit and also built up my body's resistance to sweet stuff.. i need to eat more sweet stuff to get the same feeling of contentment?
i think this increase in chocolate esp at night had led to bad skin, crabby mood in the morning and unable to sleep at night (restlessness) so *fingers crossed* the chocolate thing will go away soon!
anybody else going thru a sudden weird 'thing' ?
anytime there's a slight want for chocolate- drink water or chew gum instead
i think it started with all the late shifts at GJs.. getting off at 10 , forgetting to bring proper food such as meat and rice or noodles for dinner
this led to eating the food at GJs instead-- marshmallows, little cups of coconut bounty and tim tams drinks or ice chocolates, little cups of hot chocolate and caramel slices ( i LOVE those!!!!!)
becomes a habit and also built up my body's resistance to sweet stuff.. i need to eat more sweet stuff to get the same feeling of contentment?
i think this increase in chocolate esp at night had led to bad skin, crabby mood in the morning and unable to sleep at night (restlessness) so *fingers crossed* the chocolate thing will go away soon!
anybody else going thru a sudden weird 'thing' ?
yeah, as the weather gets colder, i've been eating more and more hot chips! I've found myself on several occasions eating McDonald's chips and nuggets as a meal. ugh, me so bad.
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM
it means you need more sugar. once i drank lots of milk (like 4-5 glasses a day). then it stopped, perhaps when i had enough milk in me.
anyway. if the sugar thing doesn't stop, try eating fruit instead :P
(do as i say, not as i do)
quaffy, at 12:36 AM
HEYY leana! cool blog site.. checked mine out yet?
well. im pulling an all nighter. doing that stupid psyc report that's due in 16hrs time.
Aand in 11hrs time we have our maths quiz. hope you're all prepared for it.
im looking forward to my mocha tomorrow morn!
PS: just finding reason to procrastinate.. argh hate study. and hate all nighters even more!
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Anonymous, at 5:31 AM
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