Amused by Random Things

Thursday, May 11, 2006

ups and downs

lost the necklace mum gave my last yr as an 18th birthday present.. DAMM! it's somewhere in the house.. i just don't know where!

thankful and loving the fact that i have a good friend who can knit super well! thanks laura =) i'm really looking forward to the scarves =) wasn't today's yoga lesson really peaceful and nice (even though we almost fell asleep?) =P

i have a blocked nose.. i think it was from yesterday's tennis game.. it was really hot when i was playing then afterwards, kinda cold then hot then cold so i left my jacket off and then it started to rain abit .. UGH! hate being sick esp if it involves being sniffly and having cold hands!

finally found the elusive 2nd book in the enid blyton series about the magic faraway tree.. i found it in the post office at broadway.. odd place to find it but i don't mind.. i m just so glad i finally found it =)

all my grey (dark grey, light grey, medium gray --which way is aussie again? with an 'a' or an 'e'?) jackets and t shirts have little holes in them.. on one jacket, the hole can be explained (sodium hydroxide burn) but all the other holes cannot be explained.. i told mum and she was talking to all my aunts about it and apparently.. silverfish or moths are responsible.. so massive cleaning of wardrobe yesterday.. the amount of clothes i have shocked dad =P i had to explain the concept of winter and summer wardrobe =P

that's about it for now.. count down to assessment time and exam time starting soon UGH


  • my back still hurts :( i got people to punch me (thanks ky!) but it didn't make it any better.

    you bought the book from the post office? i don't get it...


    i would die if my clothes had holes :( use mothballs!

    By Blogger quaffy, at 11:39 PM  

  • hey laura.. ok.. maybe it was the yoga that makes our back sore? bascially from the 'magic' yoga back book.. u lie on your tummy, face to one side and relax the area where it hurts for about 2 minutes.. then slowly get up on your elbows (should be near chest-- kinda like a lizard or a frog about to jump), stay in position for another 2 minutes and that's about it.. u can do it as many times as u like during the day

    yeap.. the post office of all places..since when did they start selling books?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:01 AM  

  • Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:41 PM  

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